For the period ending March 31, 2004
In RPP 2003?04, the NRTEE was unable to provide planned spending against its four strategic outcomes and three priorities. This is largely because early attempts to describe our structure were unnecessarily complex and inaccurate.
Since then, the NRTEE has developed a simpler, more accurate structure?one outcome and one activity?appropriate to the agency?s size, resources, mandate and single business line. The new structure allows the agency to report its performance and spending in a more coherent manner, which nevertheless encapsulates all of the commitments made in RPP 2003?04.
Figure A4 provides a crosswalk demonstrating how the strategic outcomes and priorities in RPP 2003?04 (left column) correspond to the single outcome and activity in the new structure (right column).
RPP 2003?04 commitments |
DPR 2003?04 reporting structure |
Strategic outcomes (SO) and priorities (P) Planned spending: $5.3 million |
Strategic Outcome Total authorities: $5.2 million |
SO#1. Government, industry and other key decision makers consider NRTEE findings, conclusions and recommendations in their policy and decision making |
Federal policy development on environment and economy issues, as well as decisions in other key sectors, are influenced by NRTEE advice |
SO#2. There is broader awareness and understanding of problems, opportunities and practical solutions |
Immediate Outcome |
SO#3. New working partnerships are formed between industry, government, NGOs and other major societal actors |
Indirect outcome |
SO#4. New relevant, useful and credible knowledge is produced P#1: Produce practical solutions and effective recommendations through the multistakeholder process P#2: Identify and examine critical mid-to long-term environmental and economic problems and opportunities to be addressed in public policy and decision making P#3: Raise broader awareness and understanding of the problems, opportunities and practical solutions |
Activity (Priority) Sub activities:
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