Exchanging Ideas on Climate
National Round Table on the Environment and the Economy
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Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Urban Transportation: Backgrounder

By the National Round Table on the Environment and the Economy (NRTEE)

Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Urban Transportation: Backgrounder Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Urban Transportation explores the debate that exists regarding the problems and potential solutions related to Canada's current and projected trends in urban transportation greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and its relation to Canada's Kyoto commitment. If Canada is to make significant progress towards meeting the Kyoto commitment (reduction of GHG emissions to 6% below 1990 levels in the 2008 to 2012 period) transportation emissions must become a priority.

The report examines 11 types of initiatives that can be taken to reduce CO2 emissions from urban transportation including fuel taxes, corporate average fuel efficiency/consumption (CAFE/CAFC) standards, fuel efficiency fees/rebates, and enhanced transit and urban design.

PDF Version:
Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Urban Transportation: Backgrounder
(9.57 Mb - 117 pages)
Date: 1998
ISBN: 1-895643-76-7