Exchanging Ideas on Climate
National Round Table on the Environment and the Economy
Exchanging ideas on Climate

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One of the most pressing issues of our time

Climate - ImageClimate change has emerged as the most urgent environmental and economic challenges facing our planet. Addressing this issue brings some of the most complex policy challenges Canada has ever faced. Climate change is a global, unpredictable and somewhat unknown phenomenon that extends beyond our political borders. No one country can resolve the problem and no policy can guarantee success in meeting this challenge. Given that Canada has a growing population, an economy that is growing faster than its population, and an oil and gas sector that is growing faster than its economy, the task set forth is immense.

However, climate change offers opportunities for Canada to become a world leader in technology and innovation. Our future will be determined in large part by how we respond to these opportunities, but also to the threats posed by climate change.

The NRTEE?s climate research has focused on the challenges of GHG mitigation strategies through carbon pricing and climate change adaptation in Northern Canada.

Ongoing Research

Economic Risks and Opportunities of Climate Change for Canada

The National Round Table on the Environment and the Economy (NRTEE) has embarked on a two-year catalytic program to assess the economic risks and opportunities for Canada related to climate change. Inspired by Lord Stern?s Economics of Climate Change report, the main objectives of the program are to enhance the understanding of the economic risks and opportunities that climate change brings for Canada?s economy, as a result of both the physical impacts of climate change and the global low-carbon transition Both the physical impacts and global transition have profound implications for Canada?s economy over the coming decades. (more...)

Adaptation of Northern Infrastructure to Climate Change

Climate change will most likely have the greatest impact in Canada?s north, where the health and safety of communities depends on all forms of infrastructure ? from buildings, transportation to energy. The NRTEE is examining how Canadian public policy and risk management tools can make Northern infrastructure more resilient and less vulnerable to the changing climate. (more...)

Carbon Emissions Pricing Policies

Our research team is actively examining effective national carbon emissions pricing policies with a focus on medium and long-term outcomes. Our goal is to recommend the most effective carbon emissions pricing package that can guide future climate policy design in Canada. (more...)

Recent Work

Ambient Air Quality

Public awareness of air quality issues and expectations for government action have never been greater. Upon request by the federal government, we have identified a number of challenges and opportunities for improving air quality in all regions of Canada. (more...)

Getting to 2050: Canada's Transition to a Low-emission Future

Canada can achieve deep greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reductions by 2050, but only by putting a price on carbon emissions throughout the entire Canadian economy beginning as soon as possible. (more...)


Achieving 2050:
A Carbon Pricing Policy
for Canada

Achieving 2050

Getting to 2050: Canada's Transition to a Low-emission Future

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Developing Ambient Air Quality Objectives for Canada

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Canada's Options for a Domestic Greenhouse Gas Emissions Trading Program

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Advice on a Long-term Strategy on Energy and Climate Change

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