Exchanging Ideas on Climate
National Round Table on the Environment and the Economy
Exchanging ideas on Climate


Powering forward, using less

Energy - ImageVast travel distances between cities, a cold climate, an energy-intensive industrial base, relatively low energy prices, and a high standard of living ? no wonder Canada ranks as the world's sixth largest user of primary energy. Energy use of this magnitude has a significant impact on the environment. The combustion of fossil fuels releases greenhouse gases; mineral exploration and mining can disrupt local ecosystems, while oil spills damage water, plant, and animal life.

As our population climbs and our appetite for energy continues to grow, a key challenge for Canada is to generate the energy required to maintain our standard of living without further compromising the planet?s health. The solution lies in efffective policies, knowledge sharing, and the better use of existing technologies and the development of new ones. Energy efficiency and renewable energy are said to be the ?twin pillars? of a sustainable energy policy.

At the NRTEE, we believe that the right policies can promote the widespread development and use of green technologies in our economy and throughout the country. It could also transform Canada into a leading provider of clean energy to the world.


Recent Work

Energy Efficiency in the Commercial Buildings Sector

Commercial buildings contribute 13 % of Canada?s GHG emissions. If we are to get each sector of the economy to contribute its effective share of emission reductions, we need to remove the policy, regulations, financial and technical barriers that prevent this from happening. (more...)

Energy and Climate Change

Making use of green technologies can help Canada meet its future energy needs. Our country has the potential to lower its greenhouse gas emissions by as much as 60 per cent from today?s levels using existing technologies, even with a growing economy and increases in oil sands production. (more...)

Ecological Fiscal Reform

Fiscal policy is a strategic tool to achieve environmental and economic objectives simultaneously. Our research suggests that market-based instruments that rely on a mix of economic incentives are more effective than the laws and regulations most governments have relied upon until now. (more...)



Geared for Change: Energy Efficiency in Canada?s Commercial Building Sector

Geared for Change: Energy Efficiency in Canada?s Commercial Building Sector

Economic Instruments for Long-term Reductions in Energy-based Carbon Emissions

Book Cover

Advice on a Long-term Strategy on Energy and Climate Change

Book Cover