(Halifax, February 26, 2009) - The National Round Table on the Environment and the Economy together with Sustainable Development Technology Canada presented ?Geared for Change: Energy Efficiency in Canada?s Commercial Building Sector? to a packed audience in Halifax.
The report represents a major step in addressing the realities facing the commercial building sector in Canada as it moves to address challenges like emissions and energy consumption. It presents a viable carbon emission and energy efficiency policy pathway for the commercial building sector.
John Lindsay Jr., President, East Port Properties Ltd. |
The event was co-hosted by the the Nova Scotia Community College (NSCC) School of Trades & Technology and Dalhousie University?s Eco-Efficiency Centre, and brought together 81 major players in the sector (list of participants). Participants heard a first-hand presentation from some of the authors of the report, and then had a chance to ask questions and engage in discussions. The NRTEE will be presenting the policy recommendations from the report in major centres across Canada over the next few months. |
Mike Barrie, Barrie & Langille Architects |
The next session will be held at the Commission for Environmental Cooperation in Montreal on Friday, March 13, 2009. For additional information, contact , Policy Advisor. |