Exchanging Ideas on Climate
National Round Table on the Environment and the Economy
Exchanging ideas on Climate

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Meauring Up - report cover
Executive Summary
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The NRTEE Low-Carbon Performance Index
Emissions and Energy Innovation Skills Investment
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Climate Productivity Low-Carbon Energy Patents Sustainability MBA Programs Clean Technology Initial Public Offering (IPO) Low-Carbon Growth Plan
Embodied Carbon Emissions in Exports Energy Sector Business Expenditure on R&D Low-Carbon Program Graduates Clean Technology Venture Capital Greenhouse Gas Targets and Accountability
Low-Carbon Electricity Government Expenditure on Low-Carbon Energy R&D Spending on Post-Secondary Education Low-Carbon Stimulus Spending Carbon Price Coverage and Stringency

Climate Prosperity is a comprehensive, two-year policy research and advisory program being undertaken by the National Round Table on the Environment and the Economy on the economic risks and opportunities to Canada of climate change.

Examining what the physical impacts of a warming climate will mean to our environment and what a global low-carbon transition will mean to our economy, Climate Prosperity will offer new insights and analysis into shaping Canada?s public policy responses to this most extraordinary challenge.

This new report, Measuring Up: Benchmarking Canada?s Competitiveness in a Low-Carbon World, is the first in the Climate Prosperity series of reports the NRTEE will issue examining how Canada can prosper through the economic risks and opportunities of climate change as part of this global low-carbon transition.

Measuring Up sets the scene for us. It creates Canada?s first-ever Low-Carbon Performance Index (LCPI) so we can begin to compare where we stand against our main competitors.

As the world moves to a low-carbon economy, Canada can win or lose. The choice is ours. While the transition is inevitable, the outcomes for us as a country are not. To succeed and prosper in this global low-carbon transition we must first know how we stand against others. We can use this to determine where and how to plan ahead and gain the most.

The NRTEE?s LCPI breaks new ground by illustrating what matters most and why when it comes to low-carbon performance. This index is the first word, not the last, on what we should be tracking to ensure low-carbon competitive success. It is of interest to governments, industry, investors, educators, and media. It commences a needed public policy conversation about where we must strategically focus and why, if we are to succeed in the transition to a global low-carbon economy.

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