Exchanging Ideas on Climate
National Round Table on the Environment and the Economy
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Round Table @ work

Economic Risks and Opportunities of Climate Change for Canada

Canada's Transition to a Low-Carbon Economy: Benchmarking Study

July 29, 2009

Expert stakeholders gathered to provide early input on the scope and methodology of a benchmarking study underway by the National Roundtable on the Environment and the Economy (NRTEE) to measure Canada?s competitiveness in the transition to a low-carbon economy, specially on:

  • Definition and key elements of a low-carbon economy for Canada
  • Appropriate framework for benchmarking Canada?s resiliency and competitiveness in the transition to a low-carbon economy
  • Indicators most useful for measuring resiliency and competitiveness in the transition to a low-carbon economy for Canada
  • Desirable outcomes and key audiences of the work


The NRTEE is in the initial phases of building a benchmarking tool to assess Canada?s resiliency and competitive position in the long-term, global transition to a low-carbon economy. The analysis resulting from this tool will help the NRTEE to identify a desirable future trajectory for this transition ? a key outcome of the broader EROCC program.

The key goals of the benchmarking study are to:

  • Identify strengths, weaknesses, and potential comparative advantages in low-carbon opportunity areas for Canada
  • Identify economic risks and opportunities Canada will face in a low-carbon future if it continues on its current trajectory
  • Inform a desirable future trajectory for Canada?s transition to a low-carbon economy
  • Identify policy areas with greatest potential for maximizing opportunities and minimizing risks, and positioning Canada on a successful path forward in the transition to a low-carbon economy
  • Identify future research needs for the EROCC program that will help to quantify risks and opportunities at the sectoral or regional level, and build policy recommendations for Canada?s participation in the global transition to a low-carbon economy