Exchanging Ideas on Climate
National Round Table on the Environment and the Economy
Exchanging ideas on Climate

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Geared for Change: Energy Efficiency in Canada?s Commercial Building Sector

8.0 Policy Pathway

The primary objective for this work was to create a time-sequenced pathway for federal policies to address identified barriers in the commercial building sector in an economic and environmentally efficient manner.

A comprehensive, integrated approach to guide policy makers is essential to develop the most effective policy framework to secure carbon emission reductions from the commercial building sector and improve energy efficiency. Figure 16 is a graphical representation of this pathway, which incorporates the policy recommendations derived from the research and analysis contained in this report.

Together, the market-wide carbon price signal and complementary policy recommendations form the basis for the policy pathway. Policy recommendations are included for immediate implementation so that emissions reductions can be incurred in the short term and the industry can be prepared for a new, mandatory regulatory framework. Between 2025 and 2030 as emissions begin to rise again following implementation of the initial policy suite, mandatory regulations will be required in order to continue a downward trend in emissions from commercial buildings. If implemented, this policy pathway has the potential to result in significant, absolute carbon emission reductions from commercial buildings. It will decrease energy consumption within this sector, and help build a new industry in energy efficiency, renewable energy, and cogeneration equipment for Canada.